OTP Screen After login

Is it possible to redirect to email OTP option rather than scan authentication in auth0 after login. Because in existing flow by default try another method will come after one time successful login but I want it should be render always to choose which method for the sake of good user experience not bound the user to forcely use authenticator and scan then after he/she could proceed ?

Hi @MWA35 ,

Perhaps my answer provided on a similar query helps answer this question - MFA Factors and Policy not prompting user to pick configured factor

There will be a feature released very soon (currently in limited EA) that would allow for Email to be used as a MFA factor by triggering from within an Action, see documentation here. Please keep an eye on the Auth0 Changelog to see when this feature moves to GA.

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@nathan.jenkins thanks for the reply. I will look into this docs which you shared.

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Hi, @nathan.jenkins . Any update on this about new released features on MFA or when it will be released.?

Hi @MWA35 ,
The current target date for General Availability is November 7th (Note that this date may be subject to change) and will then be available for all Tenants. Please keep an eye on the changelog around that time for the official announcement.
Thanks for the interest in the new feature!

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Hi @nathan.jenkins . Any update on this about new released features on MFA .Whether it is released or not ?. still pending…