Origin_mismatch error with auth0 lock in popup (redirect mode)

Please include the following information in your post:

const passwordlessOptions = {
  passwordlessMethod: 'code',
  languageDictionary: {
    signUpTerms: agree,
    title: ''
  autofocus: true,
  theme: {
    labeledSubmitButton: false,
    logo: '[LOGO_URL]',
    primaryColor: '#282a66'
  auth: {
    redirectUrl: '[REDIRECT_URL]',   
    responseType: 'token id_token',
    params: {
      scope: 'openid email'

I’m using this configuration with Auth0 Lock for Web. Everything works regarding the login.
We’re using Auth0 custom domain which runs on auth.healthylongevity.guide. Our service runs on two separate subdomains:

When I login via popup displayed on healthylongevity.guide, I’m correctly redirected to my.healthylongevity.guide where I’m logged in. When trying to return to healthylongevity.guide domain and checking log in status, I get this error:

code: “origin_mismatch”
description: “The redirectUri’s origin (https://my.healthylongevity.guide) should match the window’s origin (https://www.healthylongevity.guide).”

when checking with the sesssion with this code:

lock.checkSession({}, function (error, authResult) {
    if (error || !authResult) {
	    console.log('lock.checkSession - show lock', error, authResult);
    } else {
	    console.log('lock.checkSession - user info available');
      // user has an active session, so we can use the accessToken directly.
      lock.getUserInfo(authResult.accessToken, function (error, profile) {
        console.log('getUserInfo', error, profile);

Am I missing something?