OBO flow alternative in Auth0

Hi, as I see auth0 doesn’t support on-behalf-of flow. Could you recommend an alternative? I want to avoid a “handmade” solution for this case.
Thanks in advance.

If you are looking for an alternative to the “on-behalf-of” flow with Auth0, you can consider using a solution like AWS Cognito or Azure Active Directory (AD) as your OIDC provider. Both AWS Cognito and Azure AD support the “on-behalf-of” flow, which allows you to obtain access tokens on behalf of a user.

AWS Cognito supports the “on-behalf-of” flow through its OAuth 2.0 support. You can configure your application to use AWS Cognito as the identity provider and utilize the “on-behalf-of” flow to obtain access tokens for a user.

Azure AD, on the other hand, provides robust support for the “on-behalf-of” flow through its OAuth 2.0 capabilities. You can configure your application to use Azure AD as the identity provider and leverage the “on-behalf-of” flow to obtain access tokens on behalf of a user.

Both AWS Cognito and Azure AD offer comprehensive documentation and SDKs that can guide you through the setup and implementation of the “on-behalf-of” flow.