I have an issue and I despair already since I can’t find any solution for that.
I have an application, specifically to use for sign in with a Google Account in Google Data Studio by using the OAUTH2 workflow (Authentication | Community Connectors | Google Developers).
In general, Data Studio handles the whole process themself, but it seems like no matter which settings I’m using in my application in Auth0, the user has to re-sign-in after 24 hours.
Do you know, what I’m doing wrong or what am I missing?
My application settings for “Application Tokens” area.
You can update the access token lifetime in the API settings:
I am not familiar with Google Data Studio. Are you creating an API for it? Otherwise you may have to do some workingaround to get this to happen. Also, are refresh tokens an option?
I’m not sure if API settings should solve my problem, since data studio is using OAUTH2 workflow. I’m just providing the Client ID and Client Secret from my created application, not from API.
Do you know how to increase the token lifetime for applications?
Im assuming the token being consumed by google data studio is the access token, or else changing the ID token expiry would have already worked.
Can you create an API for data studio and then set the API identifier as the audience in your OAuth settings? That way the token is set with your API settings.
Thanks @dan.woda, this is an interesting idea. In this case I need to figure out, how to show the login screen to the users, so they can authenticate with their Google Account.
Applications in Auth0 with Application Type = “Single Page Application” provide the login screen out-of-the-box, but when I select “Machine to Machine”, the tab “Connections” disappear and I not longer have the ability to select google to sign in.