Non-whitelist email domain still creates a session

Hi @jane.d,

Welcome to the Community!

Unfortunately, Rules will execute after a user session has been created, and so you can’t prevent a session at that point.

The application is responsible for displaying an error message based on the error_description passed back as a query param.

However, you can end the user session like in the topic you referenced:

function emailDomainWhitelist(user, context, callback) {

  // Access should only be granted to verified users.
  if (! || !user.email_verified) {
    return callback(new UnauthorizedError('Access denied.'));

  const whitelist = ['', '']; //authorized domains
  const userHasAccess = whitelist.some(
      function (domain) {
        const emailSplit ='@');
        return emailSplit[emailSplit.length - 1].toLowerCase() === domain;

  if (!userHasAccess) {
    context.redirect = { url: "" };
    return callback(null, user, context);

  return callback(null, user, context);

In the code above, if the user does not have access, they will be logged out and redirected to http://localhost:3000/?msg=access_denied

You could display an error based on the query param you send back.

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