No receiving IDToken

Hi! I’m new to Auth0 and maybe you can help?

When logging for the first time through the /authorize endpoint and then asking for a token through the /oauth/token endpoint I receive the IDToken.

In other words, the response is like that:

“access_token”: …,
“id_token”: …,
“scope”:“openid profile email”,
“expires_in”: 86400,
“token_type”: “Bearer”

But when I use the “Last time you logged in with” (or alternatively I enable seamless SSO) and later ask for the token, my response looks like that:

“access_token”: …,
“expires_in”: 86400,
“token_type”: “Bearer”

This breaks some of the assumptions of my application. Can I make the responses to both include the IDToken? If not, am I doing something wrong?

Thank you for your help!

I have solved the problem myself.

The problem was that I have not included the scope parameter including the value “openid” in the request parameters.

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Perfect! Thanks for sharing with the rest of community!

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