Next.js Authentication Tutorial

Pretty much let us know if you’ve got any questions regarding the article!

Hi, Bruno.
Thanks for your good article.
I am new for next.js and auth0, so I want your help for following issue.

If I am going to add user type field like user or admin in your auth login or signup page, then what shall I do it?
Can you let me know kindly about its solution?

Looking for your message.


Hey guys. I was in the same position like @timojokinen. Build the flow until i get the authresults after the login, and i have everything that i could wish. But I was feeling weird about process of the access token and where should i store it ? So actually this tutorial and theese comments does save my day :slight_smile: .

Thanks everything :heart:

Glad we were able to help @budasnorbi!

Very helpful tutorial. Works great locally. I wonder if you have any instructions for deploying to Vercel. I tried a couple options but continue to get errors.

Hey there @rebeccapeltz!

I didn’t find anything official from the Auth0 side of things on that bu here’s a GitHub issue with some hack that could be helpful:

Why not using the default Next.js server-side?

Previous message deleted due to SPAM reasons.

Great tutorial - thanks. At least on OSX Big Sur (M1) dotenv-webpack v7.0+ doesn’t work, you’ll need to install dotenv-webpack@6.0.4


Thanks for sharing that with the rest of community!