Need some help with the ResourceOwnerPassword flow


for a client i need to recreate a legacy authentication mechanism. Basically i need to call auth0 using the ResourceOwnerPassword flow with the users credentials, to get an access token. However when i use the below code the library tells me to get an idtoken, when i then add the openid scope i get an exception saying that its encrypted using HS256 which is also not supported. The client is giving me a hard time regarding changing this signing algorithm. Is there any other way that i can just retrieve an access token using the library and this flow or am i just stuck?

        var authenticationApiClient = new AuthenticationApiClient(new Uri(""));

        var tokenRequest = new ResourceOwnerTokenRequest
            ClientId = "clientid",
            ClientSecret = "clientsecret",
            Scope = "myscope",
            Audience = "",
            Username = "",
            Password = "mypw"

        var response = await authenticationApiClient.GetTokenAsync(tokenRequest);

Hi @Demoric,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

You would need to change your application’s signing algorithm to one that is supported, like RS256.


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