Need help accessing Management API using react-auth0-spa-js

Hi Han.
In general, SPAs can not get a token for the management API v2, unless it’s for one of the scopes that affect the currently logged user (like read:current_user). This is further explained in this document: Get Management API Access Tokens for Single-Page Applications (the one you linked).

The /authorize request mentioned in the doc is the token request. In a SPA you would probably use something like auth0Client.loginWithPopup(params);, to present a popup for the user interaction (to avoid losing the state of the app).
params would be an object where you’d have at least:

   "scope": "the desired scopes"

remember that an SPA would have the scope limited to those of the currently logged user. If you need more generic access, you’ll need to access it from a backend application that can execute a client-credentials flow to exchange a client ID and client secret for a token (as explained in