When I list my claims, one of the items is… http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/name
with the proper value of the user name, but I should get it with @context.User.Identity.Name
I read in one of the more recent blog posts on setting up your Blazor app that using “context” was frowned upon. I don’t know why - I’m a bit of a Blazor newb myself (not to MVC, mind you, just Blazor). But regardless, the article mentioned that you should be DI (direct injecting) access to the AuthencationState and then pulling it from there. For example, in your razor page or component:
@inject AuthencationState state;
@code {
private string imageUrl = "";
private string nameAndEmail = "";
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
var state = await authState.GetAuthenticationStateAsync();
var email = Auth0Util.GetEmail(state?.User);
var name = Auth0Util.GetName(state?.User);
nameAndEmail = $"{name} ({email})";
imageUrl = Auth0Util.GetImageUrl(state?.User);
await base.OnInitializedAsync();