Migrating users with password_hash that have have cost of 12 rounds

Hi… We have recently upgraded our bcrypt ruby gem which is why some of our passwords are encrypted with cost 12. Older passwords are cost 10

These newer passwords are failing your reg ex matching which means we can’t import more recent customers



prefix vs these that are fine


"errors": [
    "code": "PATTERN",
    "message": "Error in passwordHash property - String does not match pattern ^\\$2[ab]?\\$10+\\$[./A-Za-z0-9]{53}$: $2a$12$2FiyJRDlILafg.46m623KOj5IN1Xa2G9sllzVbVoT3uKbpfaoBLHC",
    "path": "passwordHash"

We tried and tested your migration process a couple of months ago with no issues. This issue has surfaced last minute so could really use some help getting this over the line. Do you not allow passwords with cost 12?

Hey @engineering4, Welcome to the Auth0 community!

I tested a bcrypt with 12 rounds , by importing a custom password hash for it, by the import/export extension and it seems to work correctly. It is supported there.

Generated the bcrypt from here:

Then imported the following sample json payload using the import extension:

            "user_id": "1207423456745",
            "email": "test@contoso.com",
            "custom_password_hash": {
                "algorithm": "bcrypt",
                "hash": {
                    "value": "$2y$12$FI9sV48tF.wWUVpE04Hauu97oPHs0nBvJICh6XZ1A01d8CSVH0YoG"

More info:

After that I was able to login with the password.

Have a try and let me know!


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Thanks for the quick reply. Great help. I was using just

"user_id": "1207423456745",
"email": "test@contoso.com",
"password_hash": "$2y$12$FI9sV48tF.wWUVpE04Hauu97oPHs0nBvJICh6XZ1A01d8CSVH0YoG"

I tried by both API and the extension but seeing this issue in both… You can see from the regular expression in the error message


that it’s expecting the literal string


Which is why I was worried.

Switching to use your payload structure and specifying bcrypt explicitly sorted this issue.

            "custom_password_hash": {
                "algorithm": "bcrypt",
                "hash": {



Glad it’s working now and thanks for sharing it with the rest of community!

Just to share the documentation I missed in case anyone else comes across this.


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Thanks for sharing that with the rest of community!

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