Migrate users from one connection to another connection (step by step solution)

Problem statement

We would like to migrate users from one database connection to another database connection. The user data that need to be migrated are:

  • User profile data, including email, email_verified, app_metadata, user_metadata and etc
  • User password hash
  • User’s assigned permissions


Unfortunately, the above information cant be exported/imported via a single API endpoint, but we can provide the steps on how to export/import them in detail.

  • Export
    User profile data, including email, email_verified, app_metadata, user_metadata, etc.

You can use the bulk user export feature to export this information:


You can specify which fields of the user profile to export, but please note that you can only export as JSON format if you would like to export a user profile field that is an object (e.g. user_metadata) or an array (e.g. identities).

  • User password hash

The user password hash can only be exported by Auth0 via a support ticket. In order to handle that create a support ticket via support.auth0.com.

  • User’s assigned permissions

You can export the user’s assigned roles via the following Management API endpoint:


  • Import

  • User profile data, including email, email_verified, app_metadata, user_metadata, etc.

  • User password hash

You can combine the user profile data and the user password hash into one JSON file and import them together:



  • User’s assigned permissions

You can use the following Management API endpoint to import the user’s assigned permissions:


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