Hi, I’m trying to move an user from Asp.net Identity to Auth0 using the Import extension Auth0 provided.
Asp.net Identity saves the hash and security stamp in AspnetUsers table.
Here is a sample:
Hash: AQAAAAEAACcQAAAAEHdxpBZPL+ZGQ++wgRm3GGiiWjlB+dLr0le6qgnMsNpGZ3qLzI5AoSpcpgrwTtUaUg==
Original password for testing: Password@1
I tried the following json to import an user with the above password.
"user_id": "e5324e2e-4f67-474d-a65a-be689aecc011",
"email": "MigrationTest@test.com",
"custom_password_hash": {
"algorithm": "sha1",
"hash": {
"value": "AQAAAAEAACcQAAAAEHdxpBZPL+ZGQ++wgRm3GGiiWjlB+dLr0le6qgnMsNpGZ3qLzI5AoSpcpgrwTtUaUg==",
"encoding": "utf8"
"salt": {
"given_name": "Test1",
"family_name": "Test2",
"nickname": "Tes3",
"blocked": false,
"email_verified": true
I was able to import the user successfully but when I try to login with the credentials, Auth0 not able to validate the password. “Verification failed for the provided custom_password_hash”
I tried to replace with md5, sha1, sha256 with different positions prefix and suffix. No success.
Any help is greatly appreciated. This is a critical step in our migration now.