Micro Frontends with Angular, Module Federation, and Auth0

Module Federation allows loading Micro Frontends at runtime. Common dependencies like Angular or the Auth0 library can be shared and hence don’t need to be loaded several times. This is also the key for sharing data like the current user or global filters.
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:writing_hand:t2: Brought to you by @manfredsteyer

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Hi, thank you for this blog post, very easy to understand. I also have an app that is an Angular host app which manages authentication and it consumes a React MFE. How can I use the auth0 hooks on the react mfe if the authentication was made with the host Anguar app? I get the message “You forgot to wrap your component in ” in the React app eventhough I have used the AuthModule.forRoot in the app.module

Thank you for the post. In my remote micro frontend, there is a HttpInterceptor which adds HTTP header for REST API call. When this micro frontend runs independently, the interceptor is working fine. However, when it’s loaded into shell app, the interceptor stops working. Do you know how to handle the interceptor in the micro frontend?