Management client api not working for roles and permission in Rules


We are trying to read permission based on role id in Rules, we are using ( node-auth0 reference link below)
but its working only for getUser and not for any other management API. could some one help me to solve this issue.

const ManagementClient = require(‘auth0@2.35.0’).ManagementClient;
const management = new ManagementClient({
token: auth0.accessToken,
domain: auth0.domain

const roleId = {id: ‘role_id’};
const getPermission = await management.getPermissionsInRole(roleId);
console.log(“getPermission”, getPermission);

Hi @mail4mithu,

getPermissionsInRole requires the permission read:roles (Auth0 Management API v2). However, the Access Token for the Management API, which is available through auth0.accessToken, is limited to the read:users and update:users scopes (Use the Management API from within Rules).

To call getPermissionsInRoles, you can register a Machine-to-Machine app with the read:roles permission for your rule and use the client credentials grant to get an Access Token:

const ManagementClient = require(‘auth0@2.35.0’).ManagementClient;
const management = new ManagementClient({
  domain: '{YOUR_ACCOUNT}',
  clientId: '{YOUR_NON_INTERACTIVE_CLIENT_ID}', // <-- use the client ID of the m2m app you created for the rule
  clientSecret: '{YOUR_NON_INTERACTIVE_CLIENT_SECRET}', // <-- use the client secret of the m2m app you created for the rule
  scope: "read:roles",
  audience: 'https://{YOUR_TENANT_NAME}'

const roleId = {id: ‘role_id’};
management.getPermissionsInRole(params, function (err, permissions) {
  if (err) {

Note: You can also use an Action for this as well:

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