I’m using the following to try to log the user out
await WebBrowser.openBrowserAsync( ${myAuth0Domain}/v2/logout?client_id=${auth0ClientId}&returnTo=${redirectUrl},
When I do so and check the logs in the auth0 console, I see a successful logout. However, when I hit the /authorize endpoint again, I’m still logged in.
I’ve seen Logout, but it’s not clear from those docs how I can clear the appropriate cookies since I can’t use the react-native SDK with expo.
Noah, have you been able to solve this? I’m seeing the same behavior and am also a bit puzzled. But maybe it’s something we need to take up with the Expo folks?
This has shifted down my list of priorities lately, and I haven’t figured out a solution yet. I was doing some digging during the holiday break, and I think the solution lies somewhere in the expo AuthSession docs. Specifically, my next shot would be to mess around with some of the methods exposed there, specifically AuthSession.revokeAsync(). I still haven’t attempted this solution, but I think the issue has to do with cookies being passed back from the expo WebBrowser that AuthSession is built on top of.
I am facing the same issue - WebBrowser.openAuthSession with the URL as the logout endpoint kills the session, but shows all the messaging as if you are getting logged in. If anyone has seen a better solution for sign out with this browser flow and expo-auth-session, I would love to hear it.
Thank you so much! It solved my problem, logout from Keycloak:
Login: useAuthRequest…
let logoutUrl =;
await WebBrowser.openAuthSessionAsync(logoutUrl);