Since I’ve seen other people having issues with this, I wanted to share my experience with configuring authentication in a new environment for the first time. I’m setting up a new regular web app (Rails 6.0 RC1) and can authenticate successfully in my local dev environment. I’m also deploying to a staging environment on Heroku, and created a new tenant with the same settings (except for allowed callback/logout URLs).
In the staging tenant, I can login successfully with the Database connection via the “try” button from the dashboard. From the app, I was able to authenticate successfully as well, but when the omniauth-auth0 gem tried to complete the process and get a token from the returned code (POST https://<tenant-domain>
), it failed with:
omniauth: (auth0) Authentication failure! invalid_credentials: OAuth2::Error, access_denied: Unauthorized
I enabled debugging by setting OAUTH_DEBUG=true
, and so the logs show an HTTP 401 Unauthorized response to the POST /oauth/token
request. I tried:
- Destroying and recreating the tenant from scratch
- Verifying that the client ID and secret are set correctly
- Rotating the secret
to no avail.
Root cause: I eventually realized that the problem was in my Rails credentials.yml.enc config file. I was trying to use ERB to set the client secret from an env var on Heroku:
auth0_client_secret: <%= ENV['AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET'] %>
But it seems that doesn’t work in the new credentials file the way it does in the (older) config/secrets.yml mechanism and other Rails YAML config files.
Solution: I updated my initializer to take the client secret from either the environment (for Heroku deployments) or from credentials.yml.enc (for local dev), i.e.:
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
ENV['AUTH0_CLIENT_ID'] || Rails.application.credentials.auth0_client_id!,
ENV['AUTH0_DOMAIN'] || Rails.application.credentials.auth0_domain!,
callback_path: '/auth/oauth2/callback',
authorize_params: {
scope: 'openid profile'
Hope this helps someone else!