Lock v11 consent screen not coming for username-password

I am using Lock v11 and for username-password connection it is not asking for consent screen due to which Login is failing with consent required.
Here is my auth0 setting passed to lock
redirect: false,
responseType: ‘token id_token’,
prompt: ‘login’,
params: {
scope: ‘openid profile email phone user_metadata app_metadata’
audience: https://<domain>/api/v2/

Hey there can you share more context around what you’re trying to build and steps you take and at which you fail exactly?

Have you tried following our docs on user consent?

Yes sure. So we have chrome extension and web app which is already in production and working fine. Initially both our test setup and production setup were using same tenant. However recently I created a new tenant for test setup. Now with this new tenant on test site we are getting this error ‘Consent required’ after user signup using email and password and unable to login.

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