Limit hook to specific applications

I want to be able to limit the code that is run within a pre user registration hook to one specific client. I came across this which seems to be a good solution, but I am having trouble getting it to work.

For the application that I want to use the logic within the hook, I added a key in application metadata named “isPreUserRegistrationHookActive” with a value of true. I created a rule with the following logic:

function (user, context, callback) {  
  context.clientMetadata = context.clientMetadata || {};
  if(context.clientMetadata.isPreUserRegistrationHookActive === true){
    context.connectionMetadata = context.connectionMetadata || {};
    context.connectionMetadata.isPreUserRegistrationHookActive = true;
  callback(null, user, context);

When I test this rule and add that property to context.clientMetadata, I can see that the property is added to connectionMetadata in the rule output. Finally, I created the following conditional statement within my hook:

context.connectionMetadata = context.connectionMetadata || {}; 
if(context.connectionMetadata.isPreUserRegistrationHookActive === true){
// stuff

The logic within that if statement is not evaluated when I believe the rule should be setting the connectionMetadata property. If I use the runner and set the property myself, the logic is evaluated. What am I missing?

Is there a better way to do this? I suppose I could have the application set a user_Metadata property to control the behavior, but I would rather not leave it up to the client (caller) to decide whether or not this logic is evaluated.


Is your hook pre-registration or post-registration? If it is former then Pre-registration hook will run before any rules are executed. Rules are executed post successful authentication.

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Ahhhh, that makes sense, thank you. Yes, my hook is pre-registration.

Is there any other way to access an application’s metadata within a hook? For now I am using the approach I mentioned at the end of my question (user_Metadata).

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