I have a regular web app with universal login
I need to add mfa: otp and email, but we want that the user will be able to chose the method from the beginning (first login).
I have try to add this to the post-login action
api.authentication.challengeWithAny([{type: 'email'}, {type: 'otp'}]);
but I still not getting the “try another method” button
Hi @hofit.adady
Welcome to the Auth0 Community!
For the user to be prompted to choose multiple authentication factors, they must be available or enrolled in them already.
Unfortunately, the documentation appears to be quite misleading regarding the fact that they will be prompted with a “Try Another Way” button when they are prompted to use OTP or Email. The button will become visible if you have enabled other Independent MFA factors such as:
Otherwise, if you have an independent factor and a dependent one enabled (email), they will be prompted to use the most secure MFA factor (OTP in your case).
You can review this knowledge article regarding implementing a selection screen. However, this will require the user to have been enrolled into OTP AND to have verified their email after they signed up. You will not be able to prompt the user to select which factor to select on sign up since they would not have their email verified.
Make sure to go to the database connection that you are using for the application, select Attributes → Email->Configure-> Verification Method - Link → Allow Signup with Email - Required → Check Verify email on signup → Check require email on user profile.
If you have any other question, feel free to leave a reply!
Kind Regards,