Latest NextJS 14, getSession() or getAccessToken() is causing re-rendering the entire page in server-actions

The entire NextJS calling page is getting re-rendered if we add getSession() or getAccessToken() in the server action method to retrieve access-token for calling external service.

"use server"

import { ServerActionResponse } from "@/types";
import { getAccessToken, getSession } from "@auth0/nextjs-auth0";

export const someAction = async (param: string): Promise<ServerActionResponse<Boolean>> => {
  console.debug('....... Inside server action.... someAction() .........')
  try {
    const session = await getSession();
    console.log('session:', session);

    const { accessToken } = await getAccessToken();
    console.log('accessToken:', accessToken);

    const response = await fetch(`External API call`, {
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {
        Authorization: 'Bearer ' + accessToken,
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      body: JSON.stringify({}),
    console.debug('External API Response Data:', response);
    return {
      status: '200',
      data: await response.json(),
  } catch({code, message}: any) {
    return {
      status: code,
      error: message

If we don’t use these two ’ getSession ()orgetAccessToken()fromnextjs-auth0` library, the system is behaving as expected without the page re-rendering.

I’ve tested the working in RouteHandlers as well. In the routeHandler also the getSession() and getAccessToken() are behaving in the same way, however, if we pass req and res then working fine.

// route.ts

getSession(req, resp)
getAccessToken(req, resp)

behaves correctly


// routes.ts


Rerenders the entire page.

Please help me if I’m doing something wrong here.


I’ve actually noticed the exact same thing.

It was a bit of a roundabout way to get there, but I noticed that data was automatically showing up without me revalidating any paths. Eventually, I narrowed it down to the call to get the access token causing everything from the RootLayout downwards to be rerendered.

Is there an approach to getting the access token that avoids this, or is it expected? I’m also curious.

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I’m facing this same issue too

Same issue here, did anyone find some solution?

I’m experiencing the same issue, anyone find a solution?

I’m experiencing the same issue, anyone find a solution?

The issue is still not resolved… this is a big blocker because i just thought of switching to auth0 from firebase.

auth0 team, any update on this ?

Auth0 team, can you please have a look here? This issue makes integration with Next.js and Auth0 very complex and unnecessarily inconvenient. There must be a way to use server-side actions and at the same time being able to rotate access token by using a refresh token. Other struggling devs have already opened a ticket here Using Auth0 methods on a Server Action causes a flickering on the NextJS Client · Issue #1645 · auth0/nextjs-auth0 · GitHub

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