Kubernetes Tutorial - Step by Step Introduction to Basic Concepts

Learn about basic Kubernetes concepts in this step-by-step tutorial. How to build and deploy a sample application to a real DigitalOcean cluster.

Brought to you by @bruno.krebs :man_technologist:t5:

Read on :gear: >> Kubernetes Tutorial - Step by Step Guide to Basic Kubernetes Concepts

Kubernetes is quite cool, isn’t it? Are you planning to use ti to deploy microservices? Let’s chat!


Updated paths for resources:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/master/deploy/static/mandatory.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/master/deploy/static/provider/cloud-generic.yaml

Great tutorial - very easy to follow. Thanks!

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Very nice hands-on tutorial! Thank you!

For newbies like me who doesn’t have any other kubernetes service or apps in your digitalocean account yet, you may also want to remove the Load Balancer created by going to:

Managing → Networking → Load Balancers → (the newly created load balancer)

It might help you save a bit more on your free credit.

Thank you! That worked.

Thank you. Simple explanations and instructions.
One problem I found - last part getting the load balancer IP doesn’t work anymore.
If we take a look at the json output with:
kubectl get svc -n ingress-nginx ingress-nginx -o json
We will see empty object where the IP was supposed to be:

        "loadBalancer": {}

Hey there, @alexbezhan. I tested the article and everything worked just fine. I’m wondering, perhaps you missed a step? Or you executed this too fast?

I’ve the same issue with alexbezhan. Could you give me some hint for debugging?

Pinging article author for visibility: @bruno.krebs

I found the reason:
I am using kind and create cluster by default. But include this guide, the cluster creation must be having some tricky (kind – Ingress).
Thanks for your great post.

Thanks for sharing it with the rest of community!

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As today (8 jan 2021) I’m using the 1.19.3-do.3 version of the DigitalOcean-Kubernetes cluster.
The command’s in the tutorial to install the NGINX Ingress Controller are for an older version.
So please specify in your side note that if you’re using a different DigitalOcean-Kubernetes cluster as you have used, you need to use the command specified in

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