Jwtmalformed error

hey, i’m fairly new in graphql and still learning about it, while authenticating with google using jwt it is showing jwtmalformed error later i checked my token on jwt.io its showing invalid signature and that my payload should of a vaild json object

my token is

please help me with this problem been stuck with days

Hi @sharma.sumukh0088,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Could you please share the exact steps and code you took to get an access token?


 jwt: {
    encode: ({ secret, token }) => {
      const encodedToken =jsonwebtoken.sign(
          iss: "grafbase",
          exp: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) + 60 * 60,
      return encodedToken;
    decode: async ({ secret, token }) => {
      const decodedToken = jsonwebtoken.verify(token!, secret);
        console.log("decoded token here")
      return decodedToken as JWT;


from here this is my session.ts file

Hi @sharma.sumukh0088,

Thanks for the reply.

Could you please clarify if you passed in an audience parameter in your request to get an access token?

And if possible, could you please share your access token with me in a direct message so I can try to decode it on my end?
