JWT subjects differ based on authentication method


an integrator published an SPA which uses Auth0 authentication and everything works on that end. When analysing the JWT, I can see the subject are in the format: “sub”: “auth0|5f…”, but now I did add a M2M application and when I authenticate a user using grant type client_credentials, I receive a JWT, but with a different subject: “sub”: “Gdy…@clients”.

Does somebody know why they differ and how to fix this?


Hello, @rthill - welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Yes, this is expected, and is because of the reasoning of existence of each flow.

The sub claim in the JWT token lists the subject for which the token was issued.

I assume that, for your SPA, you are logging a user in using, probably, Authorization Code + PKCE. When you do this, the user is authenticating on behalf of itself, and hence, the sub (subject) of this token is the user itself. That is why you get the Auth0 user ID.

For machine to machine authentications, a machine is requesting access to another machine on behalf of itself. This means that the application itself is the one that’s requesting the token - not a user. Which is why the sub (subject) claim of the token is the application itself.

Now, if you want to perform an authentication on behalf of the user, you should be using the resource-owner password grant (ROPG). This allows a secure server to call directly to the authorization server, with the username/email + password for the user you are trying to log in. This flow should be reserved for secure environments, as it directly handles the password for the user. However, in this scenario you are authenticating on behalf of the user, so the sub (subject) of the token would be the user itself.

Hope this clarifies your situation.

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Thanks @joseantonio.rey for your clear answer which did solve my problem with the different subjects. You saved my day and I owe you a beer if we ever meet in person :wink:

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