JobsManager Export Users malformed JSON

When I use the JobsManager to export my users in JSON format the resulting file is not valid JSON. Each line of the file is an object but they are not contained in an array and are missing commas. Is this intentional? Seems strange to provide a JSON file that isn’t JSON at all.


I’ll bump this, as I ran into it as well. The result is like this:

    "email" : "",
    "email" : "",
    "email" : "",

In other words a blob with multiple root nodes, and really not following the JSON standard at all.
Is there any “hidden options” I can pass to the export job endpoint to get the result in standardized JSON?

Hi y’all,

This is by design. The export user job is in JSON compatible format:

It is actually a ndsjon file:

This is due to the size.
