Is there Auth0 Docs about the error log in detail?

I’m testing unblock user blocked by Brute-force Protection on our site(using Auth0.js).
I can see logs on Auth0 dashboard, there are at least two forms of “fcoa” errors below.
Is there any Auth0 Docs mentioned “too_many_logins” and “too_many_attempts”?

“type”: “fcoa”,
“description”: “Too many logins with the same username or email.”,
“error”: {
“message”: “Too many logins with the same username or email.”,
“oauthError”: “Too many logins with the same username or email.”,
“type”: “too_many_logins”,
“uri”: null

“type”: “fcoa”,
“description”: “Your account has been blocked after multiple consecutive login attempts. We’ve sent you an email with instructions on how to unblock it.”,
“error”: {
“message”: “Your account has been blocked after multiple consecutive login attempts. We’ve sent you an email with instructions on how to unblock it.”,
“oauthError”: “Your account has been blocked after multiple consecutive login attempts. We’ve sent you an email with instructions on how to unblock it.”,
“type”: “too_many_attempts”,
“uri”: null


Hi @Toshi023

There is not a lot of info, but:


And also it’s related with brute force protection events. It’s all described here:

For example, if a user attempts to sign in from IP1 and consecutively fails to log in 10 times, then future login attempts for the user from IP1 will be blocked. Other users attempting to log in from IP1 will not be blocked.

Hi @john.gateley @konrad.sopala, thank you for kindly replying useful information.
I’ll check these articles again.


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No worries! Here for you!

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