Is there a way to send user info to auth0 to get user access token for SPA application

Is there a way to send user info to auth0 to get user access token for SPA application.

I only see a way to send client credentials via post call to get access token but thats not user specific.
Problem that we are trying to solve:
User A is part of application X and Y. User logins to application X via /authorize and gets access token as expected.
Now user wants to navigate to application Y where the user has the same identity i.e. email_id. We want the user to redirect to application Y without logging in again. Is there a way to send user email id to auth0 and request for access token for app Y and redirect to app Y by setting the received token.

Hello @nischal.colluru welcome to the community!

All of our SPA SDKS implement the authorization code flow + PKCE which is the best practice for authenticating/authorizing users in a SPA.

This describes SSO which is also supported by Auth0 SPA SDKs by way of Universal Login.

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