Is there a way to retrieve list of users who enabled SMS based MFA?

Hi team,

Trying to figure out if there is a way to retrieve list of users who have enabled SMS based 2FA. I cannot seem to find an API to retrieve this list. Any help is highly appreciated.


Hi @dinesh.reddy,

AFAIK, there isn’t an endpoint in the Management API that can retrieve a list of users who enabled SMS based MFA.

For now, this will require making two calls to the Management API.

Please check out our List of users with MFA enrollments FAQ for more details.


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Thanks @rueben.tiow , this is what we were thinking. We looked at various options (search API, import/export extension. export Job). However, none returned the guardian enrollment data from the user profile. This is clearly stated in one of the articles.

We used import/export job to extract base user properties and loop them via the enrollments API call. We also had to factor in the rate limits of the API and complete this process using delay.

On another note, the Management API to search users cannot return the complete user set (even via pagination). Hence, an export utility or export job is the only way to get a reliable full user list extract.

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Hi @dinesh.reddy,

Thanks for following up and sharing your approach with the rest of the Community!

Please let us know if you have any additional questions.


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