Is it safe to override Auth0UserAgent

We would like to know from Auth0 logs what app name and version is triggering those login/logout events.
We have found that we can override the Auth0 user agent, that it’s turn into auth0-client header.
Would it be OK to pass any value we would like to see on the request logs?

  • Auth0.Android
  • 2.6
  • Android


 auth0.auth0UserAgent = Auth0UserAgent("Our app name", "Our app version")

Hey there!

I guess that’s the perfect question to discuss with the tool maintainers. Why don’t you create a GitHub issue in the repo and share it here with us so we can ping them? Thank you!

GH issue: [Question] Is it safe to override Auth0UserAgent · Issue #543 · auth0/Auth0.Android · GitHub

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Perfect! I’m gonna ping them in a few minutes!

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