Invalid_grant unknown or invalid refresh token

When I try to get a new access token with my refresh token I always get an invalid_grant error with the following message: Failed to get token: [error: invalid_grant, description: Unknown or invalid refresh token.]

This is the snippet of code that arises the exception (it’s written in dart):

final TokenResponse? response = await appAuth.token(TokenRequest(
          Config.AUTH0_CLIENT_ID, Config.AUTH0_REDIRECT_URI,
          issuer: 'https://' + Config.AUTH0_DOMAIN,
          scopes: <String>['openid', 'profile', 'offline_access', 'email'],
          refreshToken: storedRefreshToken,
          grantType: GrantType.refreshToken,
          allowInsecureConnections: true));

I’m using the HS256 signature algorithm cause the RS256 does not allow me to login.

I also checked the grant types and I’ve got: Implicit, Authorization Code and Refresh Token.

Also tried with absolute expiration time and with rotation.

Why am I still getting the invalid_grant error?

Hi @raul.ruiz,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Did you follow a tutorial to set up your application? It sounds like there is some potential misconfiguration. Can you tell us more about your setup?