Integrating Amazon SNS as a message provider

I’ve followed the following link to setup Amazon SNS as customer SMS provider as we are migrating away from Twilio.

I’ve also tried using the marketplace integration for Amazon SNS directly and followed the steps mentioned in this marketplace

All the setup feels like completed and I am also getting the logs in the “Monitoring” → “Logs” section that says SMS is sent and also the Action Context shows successful. However, I am still not receiving message on my phone. What am I missing? Is there any setup that needs to be done in Amazon SNS apart from creating IAM user with AmazonSNSFullAccess role?

Any help would be appreciated, thanks

Hi @sulav,

If the Auth0 logs indicate that the SMS is sent and that the Action context shows successful, I recommend checking your Amazon SNS message provider’s SMS activity to verify if it is sending the SMS messages.

In addition to the AmazonSNSFullAccess role, please ensure you have used the correct values for the AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key.

I have also checked your tenant settings and noticed that your Amazon SNS installed Action is unbound to your post-login flow. I suggest attaching the installed Action to your post-login flow.

Additionally, I noticed that your MFA is set to Never but must be enabled for a custom SMS factor to work. I recommend referring to the installation steps in this documentation for a complete walkthrough on integrating the Amazon SNS action.

Let me know if you have any questions.
