Increase MFA Token lifetime

Feature: Increase MFA Token lifetime so it can last more than 10 minutes

I have an application portal where the user can navigate and Enroll / Delete / Make Default MFAs.
In this application, the user should be allowed to do it whenever they want while he is using the portal.
To allow user do this, i need to generate a access token with /mfa audience that is restricted to a 10 minutes of usage, which limit and logout my user after 10 minutes.

I have users that are in the middle of a form filling or in an important stuff that are being logged out due this restriction, which is not good, but they should be able to navigate for more than 10 minutes and if they want, enroll to MFA.

We use to have this feature in ping identity, and one of the conditions that we had to move to auth0 was to have all the functionalities that we had - and now we discovered this limitation.

Is there any solution?

Here is an example of our portal where we have a modal that shows my enrolled methods and allow me to add another ones: