In our project we need to migrate around 10k users from Active Directory Environment to Auth0. Suggest the best strategy

In our project we need to migrate around 10k users from Active Directory Environment to Auth0. So we need to establish a enterprise AD connection in Auth0 and then do we need to install the User Import/Export Extension and we should store all the users in json format and we should import the users? or do we need to write migration Job? Please suggest the procedure and best strategy?

Hello @tanmai and welcome to Auth0 community!

What’s your project requirement regarding time available to complete the full migration?

Is the gradual migration [user being migrated to auth0 along with their credentials once they log in against a legacy connection) something you want to consider? Please take a look at a similar topic - Is there a way to migrate existing AzureAd users? - #2 by jmangelo


Please let us know if we can assist you more.

Did you get any answer.?

Hi @marcelina.barycka
Thanks for your quick response
Our requirement is we need to migrate all the users who are in Active Directory before they login? So what we are thinking is we need to establish a enterprise AD connection and need to install the extension and export all the user data from Active directory and import them into Auth0 using json format. Is this correct approach? If yes what is the limit of the json file like how many users can we import if not could you please suggest the best approach?

Hi @tanmai ,

Establishing an enterprise Active Directory connection would be a valid approach if you are planning to use the Active Directory/LDAP Connector and authenticate users against Active Directory. Is this your case?

A different scenario would be if you plan to quick using Active Directory and move authentication to Auth0. If yes, you can create a database connection in Auth0 to which you want to migrate users from AD using the mentioned import export extension.

The file size limit for a bulk import is 500KB. You will need to start multiple imports if your data exceeds this size.

Please let us know if it works for you!

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