IDP Initiated SAML response type

I am looking for some clarification on the response type parameter when using a SAML idp initiated flow.

When using OIDC: The code that is sent to the callback url doesn’t seem to work with the authorization_code grant type. I always receive invalid authorization code error. For now I am redirecting the user back through the authorize to get the token, but looking at the diagram here, it seems the users will request the saml endpoint from the IDP. (I haven’t been able to see this locally) Configure IdP-Initiated SAML Sign-on to OIDC Apps

When using SAML: I am not sure how to use this response to generate a token for the user as it seems auth0 doesn’t have the urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:saml2-bearer grant type. What should I do with this response?

Hi @jpalacios

Thank you for reaching out to us!

Please take moment and look through our IdP-Initiated SAML Sign In to OIDC Applications Knowledge Article which could prove more useful in your case than the documentation that you’ve mentioned. Using the Authorization Code grant type should be possible in this scenario with a few changes, code examples are provided in the above documentation.

Hope this helps with your implementation!

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