Identifying Users without Auth0 Password after Migration


When using a custom database connection in import mode coupled with a bulk import, assistance is required in identifying the users who do not yet have an Auth0 stored password set up.

Applies To

  • Custom Database Connection
  • Bulk Import


It is recommended to export the connection’s users and inspect for the “logins_count” and “last_password_reset” attributes, as the latter attribute is not searchable:

Users who have logged in using the automatic migration will have had their legacy password stored in Auth0 as a new hash, and thus a “logins_count” greater than 0. Similarly bulk imported users who have already reset their password and logged will have a logins_count greater than 0.

So, the remaining users in the connection will have been bulk-imported, and may be in 2 different states:

  • They reset their password (so a password hash is stored in Auth0) but have not completed a login.
    • “logins_count” missing but “last_password_reset” present in the profile.
  • Or they have not triggered the password reset yet.
    • Both “logins_count” and “last_password_reset” missing from the profile.

So, in summary, to find the users who have not set a password yet, check the export for users missing both the “logins_count” and “last_password_reset” attributes. Please see User Profile Attributes for more details.