I really need help; misplaced recovery code

I really need help and don’t know what to do. I’m a new user and lost my recovery code. I have screenshots of my login tenant and at least the initial login screen but nothing else. It won’t let me login without typing in the recovery code. Please help!

Hi @smbj1004

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Please send your tenant name and account email address to the @support group via DM.

Kind Regards,

Thanks for reaching out; what is DM?

Thanks for reaching out; what is a DM?

No worries.

A DM is a direct message, if you click on the @support tag, you will have the option to send a message to the group.

Kind Regards,

Okay; thanks; just sent the DM

Is there anyone here that can help me? I have yet to receive any correspondence from the DM group

One of the other names associates on the account is Tim Gilbert;

He’s a developer I was working with that opted to make some changes for me in auth0 but kind of screwed up when he lost the account recovery code

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