How would I go about revoking permission for a 3rd party after the user has authenticated from their side (through authorization code flow)

The scenario is a user on a trusted 3rd party platform with client credentials has gone through our universal login (auth code flow) and now the 3rd party can access our API on their behalf using a refresh/access token.

How would I revoke the 3rd party access at the user’s request, is it just a case of revoking the refresh token they are holding for that user so they can’t get another access token? If so do I use the management API to do that? I have seen you can revoke the “authorized applications” tab against a user through the UI but it needs to be done programmatically.


Hi @jack.broadhurst,

Thanks for posting and sorry for the late reply.

You are also able to achieve this programmatically, using the Management API as you have already mentioned, or the Authentication API. You can check out our Revoke Refresh Tokens documentation that provides all the steps needed.

You can also check out this Knowledge Article about revoking Refresh Tokens for a user within Actions, since it might come handy.

Additionally Refresh Token Rotation can also be implemented for extra safety.

I hope this helps your use case, but others as well.