How to verify after getting redirected to a page from a magic link?

I implemented the passwordless authentication and it is sending me a magic link in the email. I need to know how will I verify that I got redirected here from the magic link? If I want I can directly access the page through URL. I want to give a security check and make it protected.

If I want I can directly access the page through URL

Yes, but for that you’d need access to the email account, that’s already the “security check” you’re looking for. Otherwise, please explain a bit more the concern you’re having, especially

make it protected.

what possible threat you’re trying to protect against.

Are you concerned that somebody would be brute-forcing and trying all kind character combinations in order to guess the magic link? That’ll take a very long time, and also note that the magic link only has a certain duration (I believe by default it’s 5 mins, but can be configured).

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