How to use OAUTH2 with PKCE for Twitter API?

Truth I am new at this and just encounter Oauth2 and looking to learn.

Are there any videos in which I can learn how to use OAUTH2.0 with PKCE ???.. I am trying to use the Twitter API but have very little idea of how OAUTH works and what type of code to use?

I am working with JavaScript. Ideally I would like to make this code in Next.js, but I am running into a few issues such as using CronJobs in Next.js, as well as Oauth2.0… so I might just keep this code on simple JavaScript without any REACT or Next.js …

Where can I learn about OAUTH 2.0 with PKCE so I can implement it for the Twitter API???

Thanks much…

Hi @Elindo586

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Thank you for posting your question and sorry for the late response. I’m leaving a few links to videos from the OktaDev YT channel.

You can find more interesting videos on the channel itself →


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