How to update user metadata from iOS SDK with native login?

First of all, there is a previous closed unaswered question here How to update user metadata from iOS SDK? My question is the same but i can add more details.

If I implement the native login using the SDK in this way:

                        usernameOrEmail: userNameOrEmail,
                        password: password,
            realm: "Username-Password-Authentication",
            scope: "openid profile offline_access read:current_user update:current_user_metadata")
        .start { result in

Then I can’t update the metadata with this:

                .users(token: accessToken)
                       userMetadata: metadata)
                .start { result in

So I decided to download and try the preconfigured sample app for my account and it works updating the metadata but only whith web login, the sample app performs this:

        .scope("openid profile offline_access read:current_user update:current_user_metadata")
        .audience("https://" + clientInfo.domain + "/api/v2/")
        .start {

and it gets a valid token for update the metadata in the way I tryed, but if I change the sample app code by hardcoding my login and using the SDK login it doesn’t get a valid access token for update the metadata.

This is very frustrating as I followed precisely the documentation. You can’t update users metadata if you login with the SDK it only works with webAuth login, you don’t specify this anywhere, you must add a table of available features under each available method or combination of methods or you have a bug that doesn’t look to be the case.

Anyway, great product, congrats.

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As you spotted the problem is that I’m not using the audience on the SDK login method as the web login does:

                    usernameOrEmail: userNameOrEmail,
                    password: password,
        realm: "Username-Password-Authentication",
       .audience("https://" + clientInfo.domain + "/api/v2/")
        scope: "openid profile offline_access read:current_user update:current_user_metadata")
    .start { result in

This solves the problem at all, with this I get a valid access token.

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Hey there @vgutierrez!

Thank you a lot for providing all that precise feedback regarding our iOS SDK docs. I’ll makae sure to relay it to appropriate team! Glad you were eventually able to figure it out!

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