How to specify the Redirect URI for React Native Bare workflow?!?!

Hello Auth0 Community,

I’ve just started building a React Native mobile application with Bare workflow(not using Expo framework).
I have successfully integrated the login and logout system on my app with react-native-auth0 dependency. However, I am struggling with API Authorization to get the token for the authenticated users in order to control the access to each end point.

I am following Authorization Code Flow with PKCE based on the Auth0 documentation. I’ve got almost everything working fine except the redirect uri which was mentioned earlier on the title.

I tried to use the expo-auth-session dependency to specify the uri manually like below.

const redirectUri = AuthSession.makeRedirectUri({
	native: `${REDIRECT_URI}`,
const params = {
    audience: `${AUTH0_API_AUDIENCE}`,
    scope: ['read:user', 'offline_access'],
    response_type: 'code',
    client_id: `${AUTH0_CLIENT_ID}`,
    redirect_uri: redirectUri,
    code_challenge: `${code_challenge}`,
    code_challenge_method: 'S256',
    state: `${state}`

However, it returns the error message saying

Error: No default return URL could be found. If you’re using the bare workflow, please provide options.returnUrl.

I have checked my uri with npx uri-scheme list.
at the moment, I’ve got one ${applicationId}://.
Would this be the equivalent to the redirect_uri, wouldn’t it?

I’ve also have checked Auth0.Android.
However, this one seems to be related to Android Native App development.
Anyway, anyone who has done this? Where I can specify the Redirect URI for Android application built with React Native?