How to set callback for loginWithPopup(this.getToken, { popup })?

Hi, I’m migrating my older Vue2 app to Vue3 and latest packages. It seems the loginWithPopup(this.getToken, { popup }) no longer accepts a callback after it gets a token. This is pretty vital to my app,. how is this done now? Thank you

Hi @dgovoni,

Thanks for reaching out to the Auth0 Community!

It looks like the loginWithPopup method does not accept a callback.

I recommend referring to the documentation below on the usage for the loginWithPopup method in Vue3:

I also suggest checking out our Vue3 - Developer Hub in the Community.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Thanks Rueben!

Then I guess the question is, how do we get notified when Auth0 client has obtained an access token? There are certain things that can only be done once the access token is obtained.

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