Hello. I want to send email verification when sign up. (This is the default Sign Up flow with email & password).
So my flow would be(I already using the static sign up link with screen_hint=signup):
- User will fill out email & password.
- Auth0 tells a user to check the confirmation email
- User clicks the confirmation link in the Auth0 email
- Call our service endpoints and get necessary info.
- User gets redirected to Auth0 log-in page
- User enters their email and password
- User enters our main page.
How can we set up to get works properly?
Thank you.
Hi @roberto1,
Welcome to the Auth0 Community!
Have you had the chance to check out our Verify Emails using Auth0 documentation?
Essentially, by default, Auth0 emails magic links to users when they sign up. Then, on the Verification Email template (Dashboard > Branding > Email Templates > Verification Email (using link), you can set you preferred Redirect To URL so your users are redirected to your login page after the verification process is complete.
Please let me know if you have any questions about this process.
Hello. @rueben.tiow
Thanks for your reply.
I thought, the Auth0 sends email verification as default. I am using static sign up link using the screen_hint=signup
But I don’t receive any email verification when sign up.
I can see this history on Auth0.