Problem statement
By default, the MFA SMS phone number that a user enrolls with will be obfuscated. In instances where an Auth0 Admin needs to see the full phone number, what steps are necessary to achieve this?
By default, the last 4 digits of a phone number are shown when using the following Management API endpoint:
Sample Response:
"id": "phone|dev_1234abc",
"type": "phone",
"confirmed": true,
"phone_number": "XXXXXXXX1234",
"created_at": "2024-02-21T16:46:01.333Z",
"last_auth_at": "2024-02-21T16:46:15.601Z",
"preferred_authentication_method": "sms",
"authentication_methods": [
"id": "sms|dev_1234abc",
"type": "sms"
Steps to Reproduce
The following endpoint should show the MFA enrollments for a given user. If there is any SMS enrollment, it should be present here:
By updating the following tenant flag via the Management API, the full phone number should then be retrievable :
PATCH /api/v2/tenants/settings
The flag to update:
{ "flags": { "disable_management_api_sms_obfuscation": true } }
After doing this, this endpoint should return the full phone number if the user enrolled in SMS MFA: