How to retrieve user_metadata in id_token or access_token?
I am able to retrieve the metadata calling /user-info
using a rule:
function (user, context, callback) {
var namespace = '';
var organization = user.user_metadata.organization;
context.idToken[namespace + 'organizationId'] =;
callback(null, user, context);
Following this tutorial it states that:
Custom claims may still be added, but must conform to a namespaced format to avoid possible collisions with standard OIDC claims.
However, the returned id_token
doesn’t contain organizationId
Is it a bug?
How do i retrieve the access_token
I setup auth0.WebAuth
in js in in the service AuthService
class AuthService {
constructor () {
this.authenticated = this.isAuthenticated()
this.authNotifier = new EventEmitter()
this.login = this.login.bind(this)
this.setSession = this.setSession.bind(this)
this.logout = this.logout.bind(this)
this.isAuthenticated = this.isAuthenticated.bind(this)
this.auth0 = new auth0.WebAuth({
domain: process.env.AUTH0_DOMAIN,
clientID: process.env.AUTH0_CLIENT_ID,
redirectUri: process.env.AUTH0_REDIRECT_URI,
audience: '',
responseType: 'token id_token',
scope: 'user_metadata openid profile',
leeway: 30
We use the hosted login page on After a successful login, a redirect brings us to our callback page where store access_token
and other stuff to local storage:
setSession (authResult) {
// Set the time that the access token will expire at
let expiresAt = JSON.stringify(
authResult.expiresIn * 1000 + new Date().getTime()
localStorage.setItem('access_token', authResult.accessToken)
localStorage.setItem('id_token', authResult.idToken)
localStorage.setItem('expires_at', expiresAt)
this.authNotifier.emit('authChange', {authenticated: true})