How to renew access token after 2 hours

This is a follow up of JWT expiration 2 hours regardless of ID Token Expiration setting

As I understand, the access token has a 2 hour expiration, while the ID token lasts much longer.

Once the access token expires, how can I renew it?

Can I renew it using the method webAuth.checkSession , or do I have to call webAuth.authorize() ? (

Currently, I have a silent auth flow, and if the parseHash comes back with an error of login_required , I am calling webAuth.authorize() again without prompt: "none" . I am wondering, in the case of this error, that I should try doing webAuth.checkSession to renew the access token?

Hi @tridnguyen,

If you are using Auth0.js, you can use the checkSession method to silently get a new token (silently = no user interaction).

Here is the doc of how to renew a token with check session:

You may want to consider upgrading from the older auth0.js sdk, to the newer auth0-spa-js sdk. The latter SDK makes it possible to use refresh tokens with refresh token rotation.

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