How to programatically authenticate with Organizations enabled

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I’ve been implementing an app which uses the Organizations feature, which requires that the Username-Password grant be disabled. However, all of the guidance around having an automated integration or E2E test authenticate involves using this grant. (example here: End-to-End Testing with Cypress and Auth0)

I have a bunch of existing integration and E2E tests which until now have used Username-Password grant to authenticate. Now that I am using the organizations feature in Auth0, I need a new way to get access tokens for these users from within my test script.

My tests involve verifying that users with certain roles can/cannot perform certain actions, so it is necessary for me to have different identities with a variety of permissions. I tried using a client credentials grant to get a M2M token, but there is no way I can control the specific roles on this client.

Is there a way I can programmatically authenticate a user to an application when organizations is enabled (and Username-Password grant is disabled as a result?)

(PS. If it is relevant, e2e tests are written in cypress and integration tests using jest)

Hey @jake-wickstrom-lb,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Yes, that’s correct. It mentions using the Resource Owner Password Grant (ROPG) flow to perform end-to-end testing in Auth0.

Unfortunately, as you discovered, organizations does not support the ROPG flow. Because of that, you may want to consider opting for a different flow to test, such as the authorization code flow.

I hope this helps!

Let me know if you have any questions.
