I’m trying to follow the “Automatic User Migration with Custom Database Connections” procedure. Our database is a PostgresSQL, the password was encrypted using python passlib.hash.bcrypt_sha256.encrypt function. How should I modify bcrypt.compare(password, user.password) line in the Login template?
In case someone else has the same problem, here is the Js code to verify the password encrypted by passlib.hash.bcrypt_sha256.encrypt function:
// find salt and checksum from the sha256-encrypted password:
// example: password = 'password', the hashed password would be:
// $bcrypt-sha256$2a,12$LrmaIX5x4TRtAwEfwJZa1.$2ehnw6LvuIUTM0iz4iz9hTxv21B6KFO
var parts = user.password.split('$');
var variant = parts[2].split(',')[0]; // variant = ''2a'
var rounds = parts[2].split(',')[1]; // rounds = 12
var salt = parts[3]; // salt = 'LrmaIX5x4TRtAwEfwJZa1.'
var checksum = parts[4]; // checksum = '2ehnw6LvuIUTM0iz4iz9hTxv21B6KFO'
var pass256 = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(password).digest('base64');
// use the same salt to get the hash
var hash = bcrypt.hashSync(pass256, '$'+ variant + '$' + rounds + '$' + salt);
var newparts = hash.split('$');
// Find the new checksum from the hash
var checksum1 = newparts[3].substr(22,31);
// Compare the 2 checksums, they should match
if(checksum === checksum1) {
console.log('Valid Password');
console.log('Invalid Password');