How to implement Auth0's Direct Password Change feature using Management API in Django?

Hi there,

I have a Django App, and I am trying to use Auth0 for my Django App’s authentication. I have successfully integrated Login and Logout using social-auth-app-django library. But I am facing a lot of hurdles in implementing Auth0’s Management API to use direct password change feature in Django? I tried to follow what this Auth0’s official documentation’s link says to implement Auth0’s Management API for direct password change feature, but it is throwing Error Code 500, and I am not understanding what I did wrong.

The link shows the following example to implement Auth0 Management API for firect password change feature in Django:

import http.client

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")

payload = "{\"password\": \"NEW_PASSWORD\",\"connection\": \"CONNECTION_NAME\"}"

headers = { 'content-type': "application/json" }

conn.request("PATCH", "/", payload, headers)

res = conn.getresponse()
data =


And my implementation for the same is:

import http.client

user = self.request.user

NEW_PASSWORD = form.cleaned_data["new_password1"]
USER_ID = user.auth0_id
URL = f"/{DOMAIN}/api/v2/users/{USER_ID}"

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")

payload = f"{{\"password\": \"{NEW_PASSWORD}\",\"connection\": \"{CONNECTION_NAME}\"}}" ### Here I am using 'Username-Password-Authentication' as Connection Name

headers = { 'content-type': "application/json" }

conn.request("PATCH", URL, payload, headers)

res = conn.getresponse()
data =

I have double checked that everything is fine by printing values in console and all variables hold correct values. Can someone help me and tell what wrong I am doing?

Hi @khubikhawar,

A 500 error may suggest you are hitting the wrong endpoint/domain.

It looks like the format of your request is a bit off, typically you would set the domain in your HTTPSConnection method.

(e.g. http.client.HTTPSConnection("").

Here is a doc on how to make a request with that client: Python HTTP Client Request - GET, POST | DigitalOcean

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