How to getTokenSilently without consent on localhost

Hi there,

I am currently running through the following example: SPA accessing multiple APIs. I want to request multiple tokens silently in order to access those APIs.

Doing a simple test with the example provided by Auth0

Disclaimer/Note: I have slightly modified the code: the auth_config.json doesn’t have an audience anymore since the SPA is calling APIs running on a different server (hence the code would be just for the SPA and not both SPA and API anymore as in the example).

Everything goes relatively fine until I try to get the respective api tokens (I pass in the audience as opposed to have an auth0 client configured from start)

let api1_token = await auth0.getTokenSilently({audience: api1_aud});
let api2_token = await auth0.getTokenSilently({audience: api2_aud});

I get the error:

  error: "consent_required",
  error_description: "Consent required",
  state: "...+MG41WQ=="

Which prevents me from testing the whole scenario. Note that both API have enabled Allow Skipping User Consent.
I understand there are some limitations for localhost but then (1) How do I workaround this (if it’s a localhost only thing) so that I can actually test?

(2) So I have enabled skip user consent for my APIs but how do I disable the profile access consent as well ? my SPA is always first party with regards to the APIs. (see image below)

Thanks in advance,



Consent screen always shows for localhost, as localhost can’t be trusted; despite the “allow skip user content” enabled.

I understand there are some limitations for localhost but then (1) How do I workaround this (if it’s a localhost only thing) so that I can actually test?

See User Consent and Third-Party Applications

Note that this option only allows verifiable first-party applications to skip consent at the moment. As localhost is never a verifiable first-party (because any malicious application may run on localhost for a user), Auth0 will always display the consent dialog for applications running on localhost regardless of whether they are marked as first-party applications. During development, you can work around this by modifying your /etc/hosts file to add an entry such as the following:

If you want to develop in an environment closer to a production one, using a proper (local) domain (via /etc/hosts) and TLS/SSL (i.e. Apache default certs should do, if you’re using that) wouldn’t harm to use anyway.

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Thanks for the rapid response Mathias.

Correct. I was just trying that (mapping a local domain through /etc/hosts but I encountered the auth0-spa-js must run on a secure origin. error.

What would you suggest then as the quickest option to setup a local trusted https... domain ? That is after mapping local-api within the hosts file.

Also I didn’t know about this:

Similarly, you cannot skip consent (even for first-party applications) if localhost appears in any domain in the Allowed Callback URLs setting (found in Dashboard > Applications > Settings). Make sure to update Allowed Callback URLs , and the callback URL you configured in your application, to match the updated domain-mapping.

That would mean my Allowed Callback URLs could not look like this then:

http://localhost:3000, http://localhost:3000/callback, http://localhost:5000/#callback, https://local-api:3000, https://local-api:3000/callback, https://local-api:5000/#callback

but rather they should be:

https://local-api:3000, https://local-api:3000/callback, https://local-api:5000/#callback

Right ? does the same applies for Allowed Logout URLs and Allowed Web Origins event if not mentioned by the doc?

What would you suggest then as the quickest option to setup a local trusted https... domain ? That is after mapping local-api within the hosts file.

Self-signed cert, the ones that come with Apache or Nginx or which web server you’re using, or get a free one from for any real domain you own and put that real domain in your /etc/hosts

Regarding callback URLs: is your question referring to the fragment URLs (# part in there)? The fragments are not needed. Just https://local-api:5000/ should be enough for example.

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Regarding callback URLs: is your question referring to the fragment URLs (# part in there)? The fragments are not needed. Just https://local-api:5000/ should be enough for example.

Sorry I might not have been clear. I mean if we need to remove any reference to localhost as the documentation you referenced mentioned:

http://localhost:3000, https://local-api:3000



in reference to:

Similarly, you cannot skip consent (even for first-party applications) if localhost appears in any domain in the Allowed Callback URLs setting (found in Dashboard > Applications > Settings). Make sure to update Allowed Callback URLs , and the callback URL you configured in your application, to match the updated domain-mapping.

Technically, you don’t need to remove the localhost URLs, you can even keep unused ones, incl. localhost; though of course from a security perspective, it’s of course recommended that you only put the ones you’re really using.

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